Billions of ideas to make Trillions

Unlike Forbes it was easy for me to select the most rocking and real people who know how to live and why to live and where to live. Those who are busy living with billions of ideas to make trillions. Just wait and see who buys it. They all are from cenrel perk and they are:-

1- ammadz - 10.5b ideas to invent new things
2- abbu - S.Job should buy his ideas / room made baked rocks
3- thompz - Dr M.B.B.S
4- SSS - Arsen Wenger should listen him now!
5- tutu - invented jumbo rosesyrup
6- fayattey - takes tough decisions in digu
7- maus - know how to makeout with jolly!


Thompey said...

im just loving this one its awsome.. specially to remember the days of our lives... man we rock the usual suspect..hehehe

strange aLice said...

n all in central perk had baked beans with roshi!hehe